Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tina meets Mr. Global Warming

One of Tinas very first outings was to Barnes & Nobel where Mr. John Kerry himself was signing copies of his latest book/heresy. She and some of her non-llama friends to meet&greet the great Mr. Global first, she didn't want to get her picture taken with him but after much wheedleing and cajoling, we convinced her to do it.
Tina can be very stubborn at times. She really wanted one of the cookies, But contented herself with a Starbucks Frappicino.(see Very First Post) Tina apologizes for the awkward layout of this post. She is still learning.

tina does not encourage associating with
icky liberals!! do not try this at home!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

NoryLlama's first posting!!!

Oh my gosh this is sooooo cool! I'm actually posting on the web!

Okay that was totally teenage-ry, but everyone has to have to have these little bursts of sillyness & non-lucidity. (ha! Big Word! top that!). Anyhoo, I'm sure that by now, you have read my compatriot kieraLlama's blog explaining all the history of how this got started. Well, I would love to add more, but Doctor Who is on, and I must find out how the Doctor saves the world this time!!
More Later!

day one of our grand and glorious blog!!!

Hello everybody!!
this is the first ever blog entry for tina dahli llama!
let's start with a little background; ok, this whole thing started a couple months ago at a sleepover with our friends and fellow bloggers, the warner-llamas. We were having a discussion about...of all things...our toes. "why", we said,"do our toes have to be called 'piggies', and not something more exciting like.. i dunno...llamas?". So there it started, a long-lasting infatuation with all things llama, from Napoleon Dynamite to "the llama song". A couple months later, on my birthday (feb 24, for everybody who wants to send me presents;0)) i received a small, stuffed llama as a present from, who else, the above mentioned warners. This llama was promptly named 'Tina Dahli Llama', and toasted with chocolate cake and ice cream. ever since that fateful day, we have taken Tina with us on all our numerous adventures, she has gone places from the midnight "premiere" of Pirates of the Caribbean, at Worlds End to the tallest building in the world! this blog is going to chronicle the adventurous adventures of Tina, the adventurous llama!